
First Call Affiliates

Learn more about the benefits of becoming an affiliate organization here.

  • Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC
  • Alternate Shelter Society
  • The Association for Community Education in British Columbia
  • The Association of Neighbourhood Houses of B.C.
  • Aunt Leah’s Independent Life Skills Society
  • AutismBC
  • Autism Community Training
  • Baobab Inclusive Empowerment Society
  • Basics for Health Society
  • Belonging Network
  • Big Sisters of BC Lower Mainland
  • Boys and Girls Clubs of South Coast BC
  • BRAVE Education for Trafficking Prevention
  • Britannia Community Centre Child Care Hub
  • BC Aboriginal Child Care Society
  • BC Association for Child Development and Intervention
  • BC Association of Social Workers
  • BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils
  • BC Council for Families
  • BC Federation of Foster Parent Associations
  • BC General Employees’ Union
  • British Columbia Play Therapy Association
  • BC Recreation and Parks Association
  • British Columbia Schizophrenia Society
  • BC Society of Transition Houses
  • BC Teachers’ Federation
  • British Columbia Federation of Students
  • Burnaby Family Life
  • Cameray Child & Family Services
  • Canadian Association for Young Children
  • Canadian Federation of University Women: BC Council
  • Canadian Mental Health Association – BC Division
  • Centre for Family Equity
  • The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs – Pacific Region
  • Cerebral Palsy Association of BC
  • Child and Youth Care Association of British Columbia
  • Childhood Connections – Okanagan Family & Childcare Society
  • Children’s Hearing and Speech Centre of BC
  • Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC
  • Council of Parent Participation Preschools in BC
  • Deaf Children’s Society of BC
  • Developmental Disabilities Association
  • DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society
  • Dr. C.J. Patricelli Inc.
  • Early Childhood Educators of BC
  • Elizabeth Fry Society of Greater Vancouver
  • Fairness for Children Raised by Relatives
  • Family Resource Programs of BC
  • Family Services of Greater Vancouver
  • Family Support Institute of BC
  • Federation of BC Youth In Care Networks
  • The Federation of Community Social Services of BC
  • Five Family Place Partnership – Mount Pleasant Family Centre Society
  • Foster Parent Support Services Society
  • Health Officers Council of British Columbia
  • Health Sciences Association of BC
  • Helping Spirit Lodge Society
  • Hospital Employees’ Union
  • Immigrant Services Society of BC
  • Inclusion BC
  • Indigenous Perspectives Society
  • Institute for Public Education British Columbia
  • Kamloops & District Elizabeth Fry Society
  • Kiwassa Neighbourhood House
  • Learning Disabilities Association of BC – Vancouver
  • McCreary Centre Society
  • Métis Commission for Children and Families of BC
  • Métis Nation British Columbia
  • Mom2Mom Child Poverty Initiative
  • National Council of Jewish Women of Canada- Vancouver Section
  • New Westminster Family Place
  • OneSky Community Resources
  • Options Community Services Society
  • Pacific Association of First Nations Women
  • Pacific Community Resources Society
  • Pacific Immigrant Resources Society
  • Parent Advocacy Network for Public Education
  • Parent Support Services Society of BC
  • PeerNetBC
  • Phoenix Human Services Association
  • PLEA Community Services Society of BC
  • Progressive Intercultural Community Services Society
  • Provincial Association for Residential and Community Agencies
  • Public Health Association of BC
  • Raffi Foundation for Child Honouring
  • Salal Sexual Violence Support Centre
  • Sea to Sky Community Services
  • Social Planning and Research Council of British Columbia
  • Society for Children and Youth of BC
  • SOS Children’s Village BC
  • St. Leonard’s Youth & Family Services
  • S.U.C.C.E.S.S.
  • Sunshine Coast Community Services Society
  • SVP Vancouver
  • Take a Hike Youth at Risk Foundation
  • The Treehouse Vancouver Child and Youth Advocacy Centre
  • United Way British Columbia
  • University Women’s Club of Vancouver
  • Vancouver Coastal Health Authority – Population Health
  • Vancouver Community College – Early Childhood Care & Education
  • Victoria Child Abuse Prevention and Counselling Centre (Mary Manning Centre)
  • West Coast Legal Education and Action Fund
  • Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre
  • Westcoast Family Centres
  • YWCA Metro Vancouver